2022: A Year in Review

2021 at a glance!

2021 was a year that still carried the uncertainty and hardship of 2020 while presenting a time of transition, opportunity, and growth. While our businesses, personal lives, and routines all faced their own up and downs, our team here at Mastertent was repeatedly inspired by businesses like yours innovating and making an impact in your communities.

Let's kick off 2022 with a look back at all of the successes of 2021!

We moved into a new office!

With a spring move-in, our new office space gave our team much needed space to bring on new 

We had fulfilling community partnerships.

We were thrilled to add some new products to our Mastertent lineup! Our unique Square Awning tent roof style, updates to our eye-catching Pagoda tents, new Patio style tables and benches, a new Eco fabric line made from 100% recycled materials, and more made for exciting additions to the year! 

We helped businesses in 49 states go mobile!

COVID-19 played a staggering role in our communities this year. Our relentless medical professionals kept businesses open, families healing, and communities moving through their ongoing efforts to offer mobile COVID-19 solutions - from drive-thru testing sites and mobile vaccination centers to on-site patient care. To all of you - we thank you!

Getting outdoors and staying active!

From team kayaking outings with Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation (one of our favorite local non-profits) to race day ready kicks with Puma at the Boston Women's 10k and so much more, we saw endless examples of how getting outside and going mobile by moving our bodies kept us motivated (and sane) this year. Discover more in our Customer Photo Gallery.

You've got style!

We loved seeing your tents, tables, inflatables, and pavilions find their home in the wild! With some truly jaw-dropping branding, creative, and mobile setups, you all really showed your colors this year! Thank you to everyone who shared their Mastertent experiences with us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

Building toward a better planet.

In a growing company effort to prioritize sustainability, we took steps to give back to the planet we call home. By introducing new 100% recycled products, supplying our main production facility with renewable energy, investing in reforestation to offset harvested materials and more, we're happy to start our journey into operating as a sustainable business - with so much room to grow.

Finding time to relax.

In all of the chaos of yet another year flying by, we always appreciated the reminder to find the time to breathe and unwind. We hope that you can find balance and time for rest as we move forward into 2022!

Here's to making 2022 a great year spent together - going mobile and doing more!
Our team is here to help!

Caroline S.
Director of Marketing
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